Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Traveller's Tales
Released: 10th October 2008
Other Formats: PC/MAC, PS3, PS2, DS, Wii, PSP
Lego Batman: The Videogame
is the third in the 'Lego' series of games by developer 'Traveller's Tales', arriving after the much loved Star Wars and Indiana Jones tie-ins. At its core, the Lego Batman, like previous Lego games, is hugely simple in design, blending environmental destructibility (collectible Lego pieces), 'button-bashing' combat, puzzles and witty cut scenes. Not to be mistaken, the simplicity is no bad thing. There is something so charming and fun with the way the game is crafted, from the childish portrayal of superheroes to the forgiving nature of the game play. It's not going to challenge you, that's just not the point. What it does provide is rewarding mechanics and a fantastic experience for young and old to play through (integrated co-op provides an ideal platform to get newcomers into gaming!)

Playing through the levels, you may also notice objects and such that are interactable but not with the characters/abilities you currently have at your disposal. This is where the 'free-play' game mode is introduced- upon completion of a level, you will be given the opportunity to 'free-play'- meaning you can play through the level again with any unlocked character, vehicle or suit to gain access to previous locked items. This Metroid-esque mechanic offers further rewards upon replayabilty and provides ample opportunity for further play-throughs.
Looking toward the elements of the game that don't quite work, it's very difficult to forgive how simplistic the combat game design really is. Whilst not a 'button-basher' game, you will spend most of the play-time repeatedly levelling the 'X' attack button in the developer's understandable need to cater to its audience. This is all well and good in its context, however, it'd still be nice to see them throw in several more combative options or super powers that add to the game for more hardcore tastes, yet don't detach the game from its casual core. It is a Batman game after all and many will find the repetitiveness, endless waves of enemies and rigid mission structure somewhat hard to get through when so many games are doing things different. The use of vehicular levels are too few and far between to offer much variety to proceedings and are somewhat stale anyway, with a quick run through of the level a basic certainty.
All-in-all, for what it is, Lego Batman: The Videogame is successful. There is something to be said for its ease to pick-up and play and the co-op only helps in this regard for some really simple, yet fun and enjoyable gaming. The Lego game design is, as ever, rewarding and graciously charming to behold whilst the Batman license means the game is a joy to play through. For under a tenner, you can't go wrong.
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