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Blur [Xbox 360]
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 [PS3]

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

All Format Chart- Week Ending 29th May 2010

Wii Fit Plus (Wii)

Just Dance (Wii)

2010 Fifa World Cup (PS3, Xbox 360, PSP, Wii)

*New Entry*
UFC Undisputed: 2010 (PS3, Xbox 360)

Red Dead Redemption (PS3, Xbox 360)

The only new entry to enter the top 5 this week is THQ brawler UFC Undisputed: 2010 which has suceeded again in delivering extremely good sales figures in its opening week. Elsewhere, the release of Blur failed to get nearly the amount of sales that I was expecting and is way down the chart in 14th, pipped only by Alpha Protocol in 13th. Split/Second: Velocity, meanwhile, slips from the top five as Red Dead Redemption hangs on to the top position for the second week running in a bountiful array of “sold out” news stories littering the Internet.

Next week's release schedule which sees expansion to The Sims 3, Ambitions and Naughty Bear are less than likely to trouble the top 5 come a week.

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