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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 [PS3]

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

All Format Chart- Week Ending 22nd May 2010

*New Entry*
Split/Second: Velocity (PS3, Xbox 360)

Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo Wii)

Just Dance (Nintendo Wii)

2010 Fifa World Cup (PS3, Xbox 360, PSP, Wii)

*New Entry*
Red Dead Redemption (PS3, Xbox 360)

It was to be expected and no question it's worthy of the number one spot, Red Dead Redemption has jumped straight to the top of the chart after its release last Friday. Reports indicated it was estimated to sell over 2 million units. The only other new entry to enter the chart is Black Rock Studios' Split/Second: Velocity which can only grab fifth highest selling game of the week. Wii Fit Plus re-enters the chart once again and refuses to let its sales drop-off.

Expect to see a good showing from UFC Undisputed: 2010 and Blur in next week's chart. Blur has been picking up some really positive review scores and may overtake Split/Second in a battle of the competitive racers. The World Cup is also nearly here, so I'm going to say that 2010 Fifa World Cup will regain its top position next week.

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