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Saturday, 24 July 2010

Interview with Illfonic

Ten days ago, we reported on the brand new FPS arena-based shooter Nexuiz that is soon to hit XBLA and PSN. Promising a “AAA digital downloadable title”, Nexuiz is powered entirely by Crytek's advanced middleware technology, CryEngine 3. Sufficient to say, here at Midlife Gamer, we're eager to see what Illfonic's title is all about, and when we were given the chance to interview creative director- Kedhrin Gonzalez, we had a whole load of questions to press at him regarding the engine, Nexuiz, independent development and the downloadable space.

Richard Birkett: First off, could you introduce yourself to the readership here at Midlife Gamer, who are you and what do you do?

Kedhrin Gonzalez: I'm Kedhrin Gonzalez, the Creative Director for Nexuiz.  I work on various things with the project from art to design.  We're a tiny team of people, everyone is multi-talented...[ctd]

*Read the rest of the interview here at MidlifeGamer.net

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